BS ISO/IEC 15504-4:2004
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Information technology. Process assessment Guidance on use for process improvement and process capability determination
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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Introduction
4.1 Process improvement and process capability
4.2 PI and PCD sponsors and teams
4.3 Process, guidance and method
4.4 Process improvement - purpose and outcomes
4.5 Process capability determination - purpose and
4.6 Process assessment output
5 Utilizing process assessment
5.1 General
5.2 Selecting Process Reference Model(s)
5.3 Setting target capability
5.4 Defining the assessment input
5.5 Evaluating process-related risk
5.5.1 Inferring process-related risk from assessment
5.5.2 Analysing weaknesses
6.1 Overview
6.2 Steps of process improvement
6.2.1 Step 1 - Examine organization's business goals
6.2.2 Step 2 - Initiate process improvement cycle
6.2.3 Step 3 - Assess current capability
6.2.4 Step 4 - Develop action plan
6.2.5 Step 5 - Implement improvements
6.2.6 Step 6 - Confirm improvements
6.2.7 Step 7 - Sustain improvements
6.2.8 Step 8 - Monitor performance
7 Process capability determination
7.1 Overview
7.2 Steps of process capability determination
7.2.1 Step 1 - Initiate process capability
7.2.2 Step 2 - Set target capability
7.2.3 Step 3 - Assess current capability
7.2.4 Step 4 - Determine proposed capability
7.2.5 Step 5 - Verify proposed capability
7.2.6 Step 6 - Analyse process-related risk
7.2.7 Step 7 - Act on results
7.3 Comparability of assessment output analysis
Annex A (informative) Analysing process-related risk
A.1 Introduction
A.2 Probability
A.3 Consequence
A.4 Process-related risk
A.5 Determining which processes represent greatest risk
A.6 Analysis approach
A.7 Example risk analysis
A.7.1 F.1.3.3 System and Architectural Design
A.7.2 F.2.2 Configuration Management
A.7.3 F.3.1.4 Risk Management
Annex B (informative) Subcontractors and consortia
B.1 Overview
B.1.1 Combining uniquely deployed processes
B.1.2 Combining processes deployed by more than one
organizational unit
B.2 Enterprise reference architectures
Annex C (informative) Process improvement and organizational
C.1 Introduction
C.2 Management responsibility and leadership
C.3 Values, attitudes and behaviour
C.4 Process improvement objectives and motivation
C.5 Communication and teamwork
C.6 Recognition
C.7 Education and training
Provides guidance on how to utilize a conformant process assessment within a process improvement programme or for process capability determination. Also provides a framework for the assessment of processes.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes BS ISO/IEC TR 15504-4 and 01/647700 DC. (07/2004)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
Standards | Relationship |
ISO/IEC 15504-4:2004 | Identical |
ISO/IEC 15504-3:2004 | Information technology Process assessment Part 3: Guidance on performing an assessment |
ISO/IEC TR 15504-1:1998 | Information technology Software process assessment Part 1: Concepts and introductory guide |
ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003 | Information technology Process assessment Part 2: Performing an assessment |
ISO/IEC 15288:2008 | Systems and software engineering — System life cycle processes |
ISO/IEC 12207:2008 | Systems and software engineering — Software life cycle processes |
ISO 9001:2015 | Quality management systems — Requirements |
ISO 15704:2000 | Industrial automation systems — Requirements for enterprise-reference architectures and methodologies |
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