DIN EN 13913:2003-08
The latest, up-to-date edition.

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English, German
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Symbols and abbreviations
3.3 Three dimensional definition of characteristics
4 Definition documents
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Documents to be provided by the customer
4.3 Documents to be provided by the supplier
5 Conditions of utilization
5.1 Environmental conditions
5.2 Operating temperatures
5.3 Operating conditions
5.4 Recycling
6 Definition of the product
6.1 General
6.1.1 Definition of characteristics
6.1.2 Mounting conditions
6.1.3 Ambient conditions
6.2 Resistance to environmental conditions
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Low temperature
6.2.3 High temperature
6.2.4 Ozone
6.2.5 Oil and petroleum products
6.2.6 Chemical products
6.2.7 Abrasion
6.2.8 Fire behaviour
6.2.9 Corrosion
6.2.10 Other conditions
6.3 Resistance to operating conditions
6.3.1 Fatigue resistance
6.3.2 Static creep
6.3.3 Dynamic creep
6.3.4 Static relaxation
6.3.5 Dynamic relaxation
6.3.6 Other conditions
6.4 Physical characteristics
6.4.1 Materials
6.4.2 Mass
6.5 Geometrical and dimensional characteristics
6.5.1 Space envelope
6.5.2 Dimensions
6.6 Functional characteristics
6.6.1 Dimensions under load
6.6.2 Force under deformation
6.6.3 Characteristics "force as a function of
displacement" at constant velocity
6.6.4 Stiffnesses under sinusoidal motion
6.6.5 Damping
7 Inspection and test methods
7.1 General
7.1.1 General test condition
7.1.2 Instrumentation
7.1.3 Definition and preparation of test pieces
7.2 Resistance to environmental conditions
7.2.1 General
7.2.2 Low temperature
7.2.3 High temperature
7.2.4 Ozone
7.2.5 Oil and petroleum products
7.2.6 Chemical products
7.2.7 Abrasion
7.2.8 Fire behaviour
7.2.9 Corrosion
7.2.10 Other conditions
7.3 Resistance to operating conditions
7.3.1 Fatigue resistance
7.3.2 Static creep
7.3.3 Dynamic creep
7.3.4 Static relaxation
7.3.5 Dynamic relaxation
7.3.6 Other conditions
7.4 Physical characteristics
7.4.1 Materials
7.4.2 Mass
7.5 Geometrical and dimensional characteristics
7.5.1 Space envelope
7.5.2 Dimensions
7.6 Functional characteristics
7.6.1 Dimensions under load
7.6.2 Force under deformation
7.6.3 Characteristics "force as a function of
displacement" at constant velocity
7.6.4 Stiffnesses under sinusoidal motion
7.6.5 Damping
8 Marking
Annex A (informative) Design of the test devices and
analysis of the parasitic deformations during
stiffness measurements
A.1 Design of the test devices
A.2 Analysis of the parasitic deformations
Annex B (informative) Examples of fatigue test
B.1 Object
B.2 "Staircase" method
B.2.1 Test principle
B.2.2 Results
B.3 "Programmed blocks" method
B.3.1 Line test
B.3.2 Loads distribution
B.3.3 Blocks
B.3.4 Sequence
B.3.5 Test principle
B.3.6 Results
Annex C (informative) Recommended tolerances and
acceptance criteria to characteristics of
C.1 Object
C.2 Tolerances and acceptance criteria
Annex D (informative) Recommended measurement velocities
Annex E (informative) Traceability, qualification and
quality surveillance
E.1 Traceability
E.2 Supplier production plant qualification
E.3 Approval and qualification of the product
E.3.1 Approval
E.3.2 Qualification
E.4 Inspection and quality surveillance
Applies to elastomer-based mechanical parts designed to be fitted on railway vehicles and similar vehicles on dedicated tracks with permanent guide systems.
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
German Institute for Standardisation (Deutsches Institut für Normung)
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
NS EN 13913 : 1ED 2003 | Identical |
UNI EN 13913 : 2003 | Identical |
NEN EN 13913 : 2003 | Identical |
BS EN 13913:2003 | Identical |
UNE-EN 13913:2004 | Identical |
NBN EN 13913 : 2003 | Identical |
EN 13913:2003 | Identical |
I.S. EN 13913:2003 | Identical |
NF EN 13913 : 2004 | Identical |
SN EN 13913 : 2003 | Identical |
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EN ISO 9000:2015 | Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary (ISO 9000:2015) |
ISO 10209-1:1992 | Technical product documentation — Vocabulary — Part 1: Terms relating to technical drawings: general and types of drawings |
ISO 1817:2015 | Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic Determination of the effect of liquids |
ISO 2781:2008 | Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic Determination of density |
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