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EN 62628:2012



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Guidance on software aspects of dependability

Published date


1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
4 Overview of software aspects of dependability
5 Software dependability engineering and application
6 Methodology for software dependability applications
7 Software assurance
Annex A (informative) - Categorization of software
        and software applications
Annex B (informative) - Software system requirements
        and related dependability activities
Annex C (informative) - Capability maturity model
        integration process
Annex D (informative) - Classification of software
        defect attributes
Annex E (informative) - Examples of software data
        metrics obtained from data collection
Annex F (informative) - Example of combined
        hardware/software reliability functions
Annex G (informative) - Summary of software
        reliability model metrics
Annex H (informative) - Software reliability models
        selection and application
Annex ZA (normative) - Normative references to
         international publications with their
         corresponding European publications

IEC 62628:2012 addresses the issues concerning software aspects of dependability and gives guidance on achievement of dependability in software performance influenced by management disciplines, design processes and application environments. It establishes a generic framework on software dependability requirements, provides a software dependability process for system life cycle applications, presents assurance criteria and methodology for software dependability design and implementation and provides practical approaches for performance evaluation and measurement of dependability characteristics in software systems. Keywords: software, performance, dependability

European Committee for Standards - Electrical

Standards Relationship
UNE-EN 62628:2012 Identical
IEC 62628:2012 Identical
CEI EN 62628 : 2013 Identical
I.S. EN 62628:2012 Identical
NEN EN IEC 62628 : 2012 Identical
NF EN 62628 : 2012 Identical
DIN EN 62628:2013-06 Identical
NBN EN 62628 : 2012 Identical
PN EN 62628 : 2013 Identical
BS EN 62628:2012 Identical
UNE-EN 62628:2015 Identical
BS EN IEC 62149-10:2018 Identical

IEC 61025:2006 Fault tree analysis (FTA)
IEC 62551:2012 Analysis techniques for dependability - Petri net techniques
IEC 62198:2013 Managing risk in projects - Application guidelines
IEC 60812:2006 Analysis techniques for system reliability - Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
IEC 60300-3-3:2017 Dependability management - Part 3-3: Application guide - Life cycle costing
ISO/IEC TR 12182:2015 Systems and software engineering Framework for categorization of IT systems and software, and guide for applying it
IEC 61014:2003 Programmes for reliability growth
ISO/IEC 20926:2009 Software and systems engineering — Software measurement — IFPUG functional size measurement method 2009
IEC 61160:2005 Design review
IEC 62429:2007 Reliability growth - Stress testing for early failures in unique complex systems
IEC 61078:2016 Reliability block diagrams
IEC 61165:2006 Application of Markov techniques
EN 60300-3-15:2009 Dependability management - Part 3-15: Application guide - Engineering of system dependability
IEC 61508-3:2010 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 3: Software requirements (see Functional Safety and IEC 61508)
ISO/IEC 15288:2008 Systems and software engineering — System life cycle processes
IEC 62347:2006 Guidance on system dependability specifications
ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 Systems and software engineering — Architecture description
IEC 60300-3-1:2003 Dependability management - Part 3-1: Application guide - Analysis techniques for dependability - Guide on methodology
ISO/IEC 18019:2004 Software and system engineering Guidelines for the design and preparation of user documentation for application software
IEC 61164:2004 Reliability growth - Statistical test and estimation methods
ISO/IEC 12207:2008 Systems and software engineering — Software life cycle processes
IEC 60300-1:2014 Dependability management - Part 1: Guidance for management and application
ISO/IEC 15026-2:2011 Systems and software engineering — Systems and software assurance — Part 2: Assurance case
IEC 60300-2:2004 Dependability management - Part 2: Guidelines for dependability management
IEC 62508:2010 Guidance on human aspects of dependability
IEEE 1633-2016 REDLINE IEEE Recommended Practice on Software Reliability
IEC 60300-3-15:2009 Dependability management - Part 3-15: Application guide - Engineering of system dependability
ISO/IEC 15026-4:2012 Systems and software engineering Systems and software assurance Part 4: Assurance in the life cycle
ISO/IEC 13335-1:2004 Information technology Security techniques Management of information and communications technology security Part 1: Concepts and models for information and communications technology security management
ISO/IEC 15026-3:2015 Systems and software engineering — Systems and software assurance — Part 3: System integrity levels
IEC 62506:2013 Methods for product accelerated testing

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