I.S. EN 12828:2012
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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and symbols
4 System design requirements
5 Instructions for operation, maintenance and use
6 Installation and commissioning
Annex A (informative) - Control system classification
Annex B (informative) - Thermal Environment
Annex C (informative) - Thermal insulation
Annex D (informative) - Guidance for dimensioning
diaphragm expansion vessels and pressurisation
systems (sealed systems)
Annex E (informative) - Safety valves for heating systems
Annex F (informative) - A-deviations
Defines design criteria for water based heating systems in buildings with a maximum operating temperature of up to 105 degrees C.
DevelopmentNote |
2012 Edition Re-Issued in April 2014 & incorporates AMD 1 2014. (04/2014)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
National Standards Authority of Ireland
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
Standards | Relationship |
SN EN 12828 : 2012 + A1 2014 | Identical |
DIN EN 12828:2014-07 | Identical |
NF EN 12828 : 2013 + A1 2014 | Identical |
UNI EN 12828 : 2014 | Identical |
NS EN 12828 : 2012 + A1 2014 | Identical |
BS EN 12828 : 2012 | Identical |
NEN EN 12828 : 2012 + A1 2014 | Identical |
EN 12828:2012+A1:2014 | Identical |
NBN EN 12828 : 2013 + A1 2014 | Identical |
UNE-EN 12828:2003 | Identical |
DIN EN 12828:2003-06 | Identical |
EN 1264-4:2009 | Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems - Part 4: Installation |
EN 442-3:2003 | Radiators and convectors - Part 3: Evaluation of conformity |
EN 1264-3:2009 | Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems - Part 3: Dimensioning |
IEC 60730-2-9:2015 RLV | Automatic electrical controls - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls |
EN 1503-4:2016 | Valves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 4: Copper alloys specified in European Standards |
EN 442-1:2014 | Radiators and convectors - Part 1: Technical specifications and requirements |
ISO 4126-1:2013 | Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure — Part 1: Safety valves |
EN 12953-6:2011 | Shell Boilers - Part 6: Requirements for equipment for the boiler |
EN 1264-5:2008 | Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems - Part 5: Heating and cooling surfaces embedded in floors, ceilings and walls - Determination of the thermal output |
ISO 13732-1:2006 | Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Methods for the assessment of human responses to contact with surfaces — Part 1: Hot surfaces |
EN 60730-2-9:2010 | Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls |
EN 1503-2:2000 | Valves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 2: Steels other than those specified in European Standards |
ISO 15927-5:2004 | Hygrothermal performance of buildings Calculation and presentation of climatic data Part 5: Data for design heat load for space heating |
EN 1503-1:2000 | Valves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 1: Steels specified in European Standards |
ISO 7726:1998 | Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Instruments for measuring physical quantities |
EN 15316-1:2017 | Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 1: General and Energy performance expression, Module M3-1, M3-4, M3-9, M8-1, M8-4 |
EN ISO 13732-1:2008 | Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Methods for the assessment of human responses to contact with surfaces - Part 1: Hot surfaces (ISO 13732-1:2006) |
VDI 2035 Blatt 2:2009-08 | Prevention of damage in water heating installations - Water-side corrosion |
EN ISO 7726:2001 | Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Instruments for measuring physical quantities (ISO 7726:1998) |
EN ISO 8044:2015 | Corrosion of metals and alloys - Basic terms and definitions (ISO 8044:2015) |
EN ISO 7730:2005 | Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria (ISO 7730:2005) |
ISO 8044:2015 | Corrosion of metals and alloys Basic terms and definitions |
ISO 12241:2008 | Thermal insulation for building equipment and industrial installations Calculation rules |
EN 12170:2002 | Heating systems in buildings - Procedure for the preparation of documents for operation, maintenance and use - Heating systems requiring a trained operator |
EN 806-2:2005 | Specification for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption - Part 2: Design |
EN ISO 12241:2008 | Thermal insulation for building equipment and industrial installations - Calculation rules (ISO 12241:2008) |
ISO 7730:2005 | Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria |
EN 1264-2:2008+A1:2012 | Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems - Part 2: Floor heating: Prove methods for the determination of the thermal output using calculation and test methods |
EN 442-2:2014 | Radiators and convectors - Part 2: Test methods and rating |
EN 1264-1:2011 | Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems - Part 1: Definitions and symbols |
EN 12171:2002 | Heating systems in buildings - Procedure for the preparation of documents for operation, maintenance and use - Heating systems not requiring a trained operator |
EN 10226-1:2004 | Pipe threads where pressure tight joints are made on the threads - Part 1: Taper external threads and parallel internal threads - Dimensions, tolerances and designation |
EN 14336:2004 | Heating systems in buildings - Installation and commissioning of water based heating systems |
EN 12831:2003 | Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of the design heat load |
EN 15500:2008 | Control for heating, ventilating and air-conditioning applications - Electronic individual zone control equipment |
EN 12098-1:2017 | Energy Performance of Buildings - Controls for heating systems - Part 1: Control equipment for hot water heating systems - Modules M3-5, 6, 7, 8 |
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