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MP 52-2005



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Manual of authorization procedures for plumbing and drainage products

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AS 5200.000-2005

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Specifies uniform procedures for the certification of plumbing and drainage products that require statutory authorization. Such products are generally intended for use on authorized plumbing and drainage work by authorized persons.

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Standards Australia

This Manual specifies uniform procedures for the certification of plumbing and drainage products that require statutory authorization. Such products are generally intended for use on authorized plumbing and drainage work by authorized persons.

Originated as MP 52-1988.
Previous edition 2001.
Seventh edition 2005.

AS 4032.2-2005 Water supply - Valves for the control of hot water supply temperatures Tempering valves and end-of-line temperature-actuated devices (Reconfirmed 2015)
AS 2492-1994 Cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) pipe for hot and cold water applications
AS/NZS 3662:1996 Water supply - Water efficient mains pressure shower spray heads
ATS 5200.460-2005 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Grey water diversion device (GWDD)
AS/NZS 2845.1:1998 Water supply - Backflow prevention devices Materials, design and performance requirements
AS 1631-1994 Cast grey and ductile iron non-pressure pipes and fittings (Reconfirmed 2018)
ATS 5200.042-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Roll-grooved jointing systems
AS 3565.1-2004 Meters for water supply Cold water meters
AS 3996-1992 Metal access covers, road grates and frames
AS 4796-2001 Water supply - Metal bodied and plastic bodied ball valves for property service connection
AS/NZS 3879:2006 Solvent cements and priming fluids for PVC (PVC-U and PVC-M) and ABS pipes and fittings
ATS 5200.103-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Water treatment systems (other than those specified in AS/NZS 3497)
AS 1357.1-2004 Valves primarily for use in heated water systems Protection valves
AS 4794-2001 Non-return valves for waterworks purposes - Swing check and tilting disc (Reconfirmed 2015)
AS 1172.2-1999 Water closet (WC) pans of 6/3 L capacity or proven equivalent Cisterns
AS/NZS 3499:1997 Flexible tube connectors for water supply
AS 3517-1995 Capillary fittings of copper and copper alloy for non-pressure sanitary plumbing applications
AS/NZS 1477:2006 PVC pipes and fittings for pressure applications
AS/NZS 3879:1995 Solvent cements and priming fluids for use with unplasticized PVC (uPVC) pipes and fittings
AS/NZS 3500.0:2003 Plumbing and drainage Glossary of terms
AS 4176-1994 Polyethylene/aluminium and cross-linked polyethylene/aluminium macro-composite pipe systems for pressure applications
ATS 5200.030-2007 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Solenoid valves
ATS 5200.006-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Reflux valves - sewerage
AS 3498-2003 Authorization requirements for plumbing products - Water heaters and hot-water storage tanks
ATS 5200.021-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Flushing valves for water closets and urinals - for use with break tank supply
AS 1628-1999 Water supply - Metallic gate, globe and non-return valves (Reconfirmed 2015)
AS/NZS 1477:1999 PVC pipes and fittings for pressure applications
AS 4441(INT)-2003 Oriented PVC (PVC-O) pipes for pressure applications
AS 3518.1-1988 Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) pipes and fittings for pressure applications - Pipes
ATS 5200.014-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Jointing materials
AS/NZS 4327:1995 Metal-banded flexible couplings for low-pressure applications (Reconfirmed 2020)
AS/NZS 4130:2003 Polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications
ATS 5200.037-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Flow controllers
AS 4032.1-2005 Water supply - Valves for the control of heated water supply temperatures Thermostatic mixing valves - Materials design and performance requirements
AS 4032.2-2002 Water supply - Valves for the control of hot water supply temperatures - Tempering valves and end of line temperature actuated devices
AS/NZS 4765(INT):2000 Modified PVC (PVC-M) pipes for pressure applications
AS 3688-2005 Water supply - Metallic fittings and end connectors
AS 1172.1-1993 Water closets of 6/3 L capacity - Pans
ATS 5200.461-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Stainless steel tubes and mechanical compression fittings for pressure applications
ATS 5200.006-2005 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Reflux valves - Sewerage
AS/NZS 1260:2002 PVC-U pipes and fittings for drain, waste and vent application
AS 3565.5-2004 Meters for water supply - Water meters with two integral single check valves
AS 2419.2-1994 Fire hydrant installations Fire hydrant valves
ATS 5200.028-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Commercial food waste disposal unit
AS/NZS 3497:1998 Drinking water treatment units - Plumbing requirements
AS 3495-1997 Stainless steel non-pressure pipes and fittings (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1646-2007 Elastomeric seals for waterworks purposes (Reconfirmed 2018)
ATS 5200.033-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Spraying apparatus/dispensing units with the option of chemical additions - Hose connected
AS 1589-2001 Copper and copper alloy waste fittings (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS/NZS 2492:2007 Cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) pipes for pressure applications
AS/NZS 3982:1996 Urinals
ATS 5200.459-2004
AS 3996-2006 Access covers and grates
AS/NZS 3662:2005 Performance of showers for bathing
ATS 5200.458-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Universal transition fitting
ATS 5200.000-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - General requirements
AS/NZS 2280:2004 Ductile iron pipes and fittings
ATS 5200.468-2005 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Hot water systems - Recirculation valves
ATS 5200.464-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Hot water manual or sensor-activated pumping systems
AS 3688-1994 Water supply - Copper and copper alloy body compression and capillary fittings and threaded-end connectors
AS 2419.3-1996 Fire hydrant installations - Fire brigade booster connections
ATS 5200.466-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Rainwater tank connection devices
AS 2396-1980 Performance of household food waste disposal units
AS 4181-1999 Stainless steel clamps for waterworks purposes
ATS 5200.453-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Heated water systems - Thermostatic circulation valve
AS/NZS 3499:2006 Water supply - Flexible hose assemblies (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1910-2004 Water supply - Float control valves for use in hot and cold water (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 2887-1993 Plastic waste fittings (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 3518.2-1988 Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) pipes and fittings for pressure applications - Solvent cement fittings
ATS 5200.467-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Rainwater tank connection valve
AS 1357.2-1998 Valves primarily for use in warm and hot water systems - Control valves
AS/NZS 3718:2003 Water supply - Tap ware
AS 2537-1994 Mechanical jointing fittings for use with cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) pipe for hot and cold water applications
AS 3517-2007 Capillary fittings of copper and copper alloy for non-pressure sanitary plumbing applications (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1646-1992 Elastomeric seals for waterworks purposes
ATS 5200.007-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Water hammer arrestors
AS 1172.1-2005 Water closets (WC) Pans
AS 2638-1991 Sluice valves for waterworks purposes
AS 3565.2-2004 Meters for water supply - Combination meters
ATS 5200.460-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Grey water diversion valve assembly
AS 3795-1996 Copper alloy tubes for plumbing and drainage applications
AS/NZS 4129:2000 Fittings for polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications
AS 3565.3-2004 Meters for water supply - Water meters with integral dual check valves
AS 3494-1997 Bidettes and bidets
AS 1357.2-2005 Valves primarily for use in heated water systems Control valves (Reconfirmed 2015)
AS/NZS 3718:2005 Water supply - Tap ware (Reconfirmed 2016)
ATS 5200.030-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Solenoid valves
AS/NZS 2642.2:1994 Polybutylene pipe systems - Polybutylene (PB) pipe for hot and cold water applications
AS 4032.1-2002 Water supply - Valves for the control of hot water supply temperatures Thermostatic mixing valves - Materials design and performance requirements
AS 3571-1989 Glass filament reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Polyester based - Water supply, sewerage and drainage applications
AS 4139-2003 Fibre-reinforced concrete pipes and fittings (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1432-2004 Copper tubes for plumbing, gasfitting and drainage applications (Reconfirmed 2016)
ATS 5200.462-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Rainwater tank connection valve
AS/NZS 4936:2002 Air admittance valves (AAVs) for use in sanitary plumbing and drainage systems (Reconfirmed 2020)
ATS 5200.020-2004 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Flushing valves for water closets and urinals - for use with mains supply
AS/NZS 2642.3:1994 Polybutylene pipe systems Mechanical jointing fittings for use with polybutylene (PB) pipes for hot and cold water applications

AS 5200.000-2006 Technical specification for plumbing and drainage products Procedures for certification of plumbing and drainage products (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1357.1-2004 Valves primarily for use in heated water systems Protection valves
AS/NZS 3500.4:2003 Plumbing and drainage Heated water services
AS/NZS 3500.2:2003 Plumbing and drainage Sanitary plumbing and drainage
ATS 5200.477-2006 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Rainwater/mains supply changeover devices
AS/NZS 3666.1:2002 Air-handling and water systems of buildings - Microbial control Design, installation and commissioning
AS 5200.000-2005 Technical specification for plumbing and drainage products Procedures for certification of plumbing and drainage products
AS 1056.1-1991 Storage water heaters General requirements
AS/NZS 3497:1998 Drinking water treatment units - Plumbing requirements
ATS 5200.475-2006 Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Heated Water Systems - Cold water recovery device
AS/NZS 3500.1:2003 Plumbing and drainage Water services
AS 2345-2006 Dezincification resistance of copper alloys (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 3666.1:2011 Air-handling and water systems of buildings - Microbial control Design, installation and commissioning

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